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Project week: ‘This is Me’ year-3 Blue

This we year 3 Blue have had a great first week. We have really enjoyed getting to know each other and looking at how we are all unique in our own special way.

Can you tell me what you have enjoyed learning about this week? What Key words have you leant?

10 responses to “Project week: ‘This is Me’ year-3 Blue”

  1. Arfa S.

    Arfa enjoyed doing a potrait of herself. Art is one of her favourite subject.
    Resilence, tencity, respect, team work.

  2. Mrs Penavega

    Hello 3 Blue. I love your dragon’s eye sketches. You are certainly superstars. Keep up the good work.

  3. Alinna A.

    I enjoyed learning about “This is Me ” and enjoyed colouring and dancing .

  4. Alima S.

    We learn about this is me.
    and i know that all of us are unique in a way and when you are unique
    sometime you can use your tenacity and we cant make fun of them
    because we are all unique in are way.
    ant we?

  5. Sabiha K.

    What i have done fun this week is sing the song “this is me”,i did tenacity by drawing a dragons eye
    Tenacity mean when you draw something and it doesn’t look nice but then i tried again it was better but i still tried again an it was even more better.
    Key words:

  6. Amirah T.

    I enjoyed learning about “This is me”, and I enjoyed drawing the dragons eye because I like being creative.

    The key words that I have learnt are uniqueness, tenacity and diversity.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Superstar! What does tenacity mean?

  7. Hamsia D.

    Can you tell me what you have enjoyed learning about this week? What key words have you learnt?
    I have enjoyed learning how to draw a dragon eye because it was fun.
    The key words I learnt were tenacity and diversity.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Hamsia! What does tenacity mean?

      1. Hamsia D.

        Tenacity means that you never give up.

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