
Reception Red- Amazing Week 3

This week we carried on with our topic for this half term is โ€˜Fantastic Lightsโ€™ where we will be learning about dark and light, seasonal changes and celebrations. We also continued with our PSHE work ; Getting Onโ€™.๐Ÿ˜Š

Communication and Language- To listen and talk about stories to build understanding. We listened to the story of A Dark, Dark Tale by Ruth Brown.

Literacy- To write using their phonic skills. To match initial sounds to words.

To read cvc words.

Maths – To combine amount and know that 5 and 5 makes 10 altogether.

Understanding of the worldTo explore the school to find light and dark places.

PSED/SEAL– To work in groups, sharing and taking turns.

Expressive Art/Design– To practise singing songs for our Nativity.

SMSC-To know what happens at Sukkot

3 responses to “Reception Red- Amazing Week 3”

  1. Yaseen S.

    Great videos of our learning. Thank you teacher

  2. Abdullah P.

    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Mithunshan R.

    Mithunshan enjoyed all these activities. Thank you teachers.

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