This year we will be hosting sports days on the last Monday and Tuesday of term. The days are as follows;

Year 4, 5, and 6 will have there Sports Day in the morning Monday 24th July, from 9:00am – 11:30pm.

Year 1, 2, and 3 will have their Sports Day in the afternoon on Monday 24th July from 12:45pm – 3:00pm.

Reception will have their Sports Day Tuesday 25th July from 9:00am – 10:30am

Nursery PE will take part on Thursday 13th July, from 10:30 – 11:30 for the morning group and from 2:00 – 3:00 for the afternoon group.

Parents are able to attend if they wish to. Students need to be wearing a coloured top that matches their class colour, for example a child from 4 White would need to wear a white top. Children from Nursery just need their usual PE kit and children from reception can take part in any colour they wish as long as it is suitable for PE. All children need to wear suitable footwear, i.e. trainers not sandals. If you have any questions please ask.

32 responses to “Sports Day 2023”

  1. Asim A.

    I am excited

  2. Hasan S.

    This is going to be 🤩

  3. Myiesha S.

    Thanks for the info.

  4. Manha S.

    I’m exited for the day.😆😁

  5. Jasmine P.

    I am so excited 👌👍😊😊😃

  6. Alima S.

    Thank you.

  7. Ayaan M.

    I’m so happy now I’m really hyped.

  8. Meena B.

    I’m really excited for spots day!
    Thank you for the information.

  9. Amelia H.

    Can’t wait

  10. Toleen S.

    I can not wait for sports day and also if you are in a blue class you can just wear your PE 👕

  11. Fatima S.

    I can’t wait 🥳

  12. Musa B.

    I’m very exited for sports day

  13. Eliza N.

    I will show my mum this thank you for the information 👍🏻

  14. Muhammad B.

    Thank you for the information.

  15. Sameeha A.

    thanks for the information.

  16. Mohammed W.

    Thanks for the info. I am really excited

  17. Bilal U.

    I can’t wait to do sports day

  18. Israa F.

    Ok thank you for the information! Can’t wait for sport day

  19. Mahid H.


  20. Aaminah A.

    Surely, you mean 11:30am?
    If y are in 6Blue can you just wear your P.E. kit?
    Also, thanks for the info.

  21. Simra S.

    thank for info

  22. Amelia B.

    Thank you for the information.

  23. Tala I.

    That’s for the information ⁉️❗️💯

  24. Muhammad B.

    Thank you for the info!

  25. Tana I.

    Finally sports day is here

  26. Aaminah A.

    Thanks for the info. But surely you mean 11:30am?

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