School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


Star-tastic week at nursery!

This week we shared โ€˜Star in a jarโ€™. The children have been learning about space and planets. The children used wax crayons to make their own space picture and decorate their own stars.


Decorating stars!

Space Pictures!

Star numbers!


Well done nursery! Have a lovely weekend! Please remember to leave us a comment telling us what you enjoyed the most this week and why!

18 responses to “Star-tastic week at nursery!”

  1. Tamarah A.

    I enjoyed listening shapes.

  2. Sara I.

    Sara is really enjoying writing and tracing over letters same as she has been at nursery. She is also sharing all the new sounds she has been learning. We are happy with how she is progressing, thank you!

  3. Zoha S.

    Welldone everyone such a super stars .

    1. Miss Marwaha

      ๐ŸŒŸ Super work Zoha!

  4. Aisha A.

    aisha like the stroy star in jar

    1. Miss Marwaha

      Thatโ€™s super Aisha!

  5. Haitham B.

    Haitham said he enjoyed the story and decorating his star ๐ŸŒŸ but he said he was sad as he didn’t get to dress up as an astronaut because the other boys and girls wouldn’t share ๐Ÿ˜”

    1. Miss Marwaha

      Thatโ€™s great to hear he enjoyed the story and activities! We had half outside and half inside. The children had their own roles, astronaut or stars and rockets and Haitham enjoyed dancing and role playing๐Ÿ˜€๐ŸŒŸ

  6. Ayan I.

    Ayan loves learning new letters and playing with all his friends.

    1. Miss Marwaha

      Your excellent at phonics Ayan!

  7. Arshan R.

    Children always have fun at nursery as usual….Good work all.

    1. Miss Marwaha

      ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ Well done Arshan!

  8. Tamarah A.

    I enjoyed Learning about letters(s).

    1. Miss Marwaha

      You are super at phonics Tamarah!

  9. Abdirahman M.

    I liked the week. It was fun! I enjoyed being an astronaut the most.

    1. Miss Marwaha

      Lovely Abdirahman ๐Ÿ˜Š

  10. Hasan B.

    Well done children

    1. Miss Marwaha

      Well done Hasan!

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