The Digestive System

This half term in Science, we have been learning all about digestion and what happens to our food after we eat it.

Now that we know all about the human digestive system, we compared it with the digestive systems of other animals which have very different diets than we do.

Watch the video below to see what we found out!

What is the difference between a herbivore, a carnivore and an omnivore?

What is similar about the digestive systems of these animals compared to humans? What is different about them?

What would you still like to find out about animal digestion?

5 responses to “The Digestive System”

  1. Dhiyashini S.

    The difference about them are their digestive system isn’t the same as ours!

  2. Dhiyashini S.

    The difference about them are their digestive system isn’t the same as ours.

  3. Dhiyashini S.

    Herbivores eat plants,Carnivores eat other animals and Omnivores eat both.They both eat the same things that we do.I would still like to find out about a tiger’s digestive system.

  4. Mopelola L.

    A herbivore eats plants a carnivore it’s meat and a omnivore (like us unless your vegiterian)eat both.

  5. Zahra N.

    Carnivores eat meat and Herbivore eat plant and meat and omnivores eat grass. I would like to find out what rabbits eat because I like rabbits because there so cute and little.

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