Week 4 in Reception Blue 🤗

This week we have continued with our topic ‘Fantastic Lights’ where we are learning about dark and light, seasonal changes and celebrations. We are also continuing with our SEAL/PSED focus on ‘Getting On’.😊

Communication and Language- To describe an event in detail

We posted our thoughts on the class blog.

Literacy- To phonetically write simple words to create a letter to the aliens asking for the underpants back.

To read individual letters/To blend sounds into words.

Maths – To compare groups of up to 3 objects.

To identify squares and rectangles and begin to understand their properties.

Understanding of the worldTo recognise some environments are different to the one we live in.

PSED/SEAL– To understand that we can have different feelings and emotions.

Expressive Art/Design– RB created some animal head bands for our nativity.

SMSC-To find out about Christmas.

This week it was Zahra’s birthday and she very kindly brought in some lovely party bags filled with goodies for all of the children. We all said a big ‘thank you’ to Zahra and sang ‘Happy Birthday’. We hope you had a lovely day 🎉🤩

3 responses to “Week 4 in Reception Blue 🤗”

  1. Hurayn A.

    Happy Birthday Zahra!! Thank you for the goodie bag!!🎈

  2. Haitham B.

    Thankyou for the party bag Zahra, I hope you had a nice birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁

  3. Ayan I.

    Ayan is try really hard with words and blending.

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