Tolerance and Respect

At Broad Heath we have many different religions and faiths. Children’s parents  and some children come from many  countries that are different to the UK. We believe at BH we are one big family. Tell me how you show respect and tolerate differences? What things do you hope to see improve in this country?

71 responses to “Tolerance and Respect”

  1. Aadyan W.

    I show respect by helping other people when they fall down.

  2. Zahra N.

    I show respect and tolerance to everyone I smile at them and they smile back at me I like when people do that.

  3. Havin A.

    I don’t care on which religion it is good to respect to evryone

  4. Muhammad K.

    I show respect to Muslims because they are nice and kind

    1. Head Teacher

      You should show respect to all religions not just Muslims.

  5. Yousuf I.

    I tolerate people because when it’s a group activity, we all listen to other people’s ideas on what to do ; we respect the ideas that we have

  6. Lisa C.

    I can show respect by telling someone to do the right thing and if they are doing something wrong I have to tell them they are doing the wrong thing because if I don’t they will continue doing it again until they get in trouble .

  7. Roma M.

    I can show respect ✊ by helping people when they are stuck on something.

  8. Rahaniya S.

    I can show respect not speaking when Mrs was speaking
    I can show respect to helping friend

  9. Gufran E.

    BH primary school has lots of people from different countries . We celebrate uniqueness by learning about it ( like This is me) and show respect . Another thing that is different about us is that we all have different religions and we all listen when we learn( in PSHE ) and hear about others thoughts and beliefs and our differences even if we have different thoughts . To do this weeks tolerance ,respect and kindness

    The UK is a diverse country where we don’t always treat each other with respect of empathy or tolerance. Some people judge other people by the colour of their shin or their backgrounds . This should be something which should be improved because it out uniqueness which gets us along.

    1. Head Teacher

      Great answer!

  10. Safa M.

    I show kindness because how we used to learn about Christian’s I respected that even though I’m a Muslim and say if it was Eid and if I’m giving out sweets I wouldn’t just say you don’t celebrate Eid so u can’t have it.
    I also make sure no one feels left out in anything like if we’re writing like a poster in groups I wouldn’t say I’m doing all the work I would let them do some of it so it’s equal.
    I also don’t be disrespectful to other people even if they have a different religion as me.
    I would like to stop racism.

  11. Mohammed W.

    I show respect by helping my mum tidy.😅

  12. Ammara K.

    I show respect by playing with people and not backbiting about anyone.😃

  13. Sarah A.

    We could respect other religions,skin tones,feelings,being kind and saying nice stuff.

  14. Aisha R.

    We can show respect by learning about other religions in SMSC and seeing how one persons belief is different than the others.You can also say kind things to each and accept their beliefs other than saying your religion is right and everyone else has the wrong one.

  15. Maryam G.

    We can show respect and tolerant differences by not being rude about other peoples religion also don’t judge people about their skin colour. What I hope to improve in this country is that racism and bullies will be no more and come to an end.

    1. Head Teacher

      Great wish, we all play a part in your wish.

  16. Jasmine M.

    I can show kindness by making a student feel welcome to this school.
    I can show respect by talking respectfully to a teacher.
    I can show tolerance by respecting people’s religion and skin colours.
    People should be treated equal because everyone can work together, feel safe and be cared for.
    Also, if someone wants to join a game or play with you, you should let them join because they might not have any friend’s or feel lonely.

    1. Head Teacher

      Agreed x

  17. Miss Redhead

    3 White have spoken about how we shown respect to other religions we believe different things and that is ok. We also learn from each other and talk about how we celebrate different festivals. We join in as a sign of respect. Some of us will give sweets at Christmas even though it is not our festival but we join in because at BH we are one family and we share everything. We gain knowledge by learning about other religions and this helps us to understand others better.

    1. Head Teacher

      How lovely and what a respectful bunch you are!

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