
We are board game makers

This week, 5 Red were given the opportunity to review their knowledge on rounding. They worked hard to create their own board games to test their knowledge, using their imagination and teamwork skills.

Lawan and Hussein even visited Mr. Andrews to show off their amazing creation!

Who can tell me…

What place value column should you look at to round the number to the nearest 10/ 100/ 1,000/ 10,000/ 100,000?

How can I represent the rounding of a number on a number line?

Challenge: 328,154 people buy tickets for a festival. Tickets are printed in batches of 10,000. How many batches of tickets should the organisers print?

4 responses to “We are board game makers”

  1. Miss Akhtar

    Well done Yahya and Alzahra. However, Which place value column should you look at to know which numbers to round to?

    Also, have a look at the challenge again. What do you need to do 328,154? If tickets are printed in batches of 10,000, you would need to round the figure to this…

  2. Alzahra R.

    1. so first you have to do like 1,10,100,1000
    1 is one column
    10 is ten column
    100 is hundred column
    1000 is thousand column
    10,000 is ten-thousand column
    you have to nearest to tens,hundred,thousand,ten-thousand or you can move it.
    2. The individual points on the line represent the digits used to round but if the point is closer to the left, the number rounds down. If the point is closer to right, the number rounds up.
    you should print that there 50,000 or 60,000 in the batches tickets of the festival.

  3. Yahya K.

    10-ones column
    100-tens column
    1000-hundreds column
    10,000-thousands column
    100,000-ten thousands column

    You can move to the nearest 10,100 ,1000, 10000,100000 by moving 5 or more up, 4 or less down.

    You should print approximately 60,000 batches of tickets.

  4. Mrs Davison

    Wow, what a great way to review some of your maths learning so far in year 5, I can’t wait to see your responses to Miss Akhtar’s challenges! I will come back to this blog to take a look!

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