We are FANtastic!

8 responses to “We are FANtastic!”

  1. Yahya K.

    The challenging part of the fans were to fold the exact same length. I used my growth mindset to overcome it by using a ruler.

  2. Miss Akhtar

    I am so proud of everyone for using their growth mindsets!

  3. Irfa M.

    And during STEAM week witch means S-science, T-technology, E-engineering, A-art and finally M-Math’s what we did was we did a double page spread and also created an iMovie about STEAM week.

  4. Irfa M.

    1. It was had to try to make my fan fern because it was wobbling a lot.
    2. I just thought nope it is all I can possibly could do for now I could just make it and see it was not that bad.

  5. Mrs Davison

    Wow, it looks like you had lots of fun year 5 learning about and making different types of fans. What did you learn during STEAM week?

  6. Sayda A.

    wow this look amazing for me the hard part was to build my fan beause it was hard to decide whic materials to put i try by thinking of ides to help it stand / secuare

  7. Nma M.

    The most challenging part of making/creating the fans were gluing or sticking stuff in and getting everything the same as our plan.
    I used my growth mindset to make my fan / electrical fan to find all the materials I needed and I didn’t give up. I also didn’t be in a rush, because things would still get done if we cut carefully, plan carefully and so much more.

  8. Janelle O.

    The most challenging part was sticking the paper on to the cardboard and colouring it.
    I used growth mindset by cutting the cardboard carefully instead of hard and I also did it a bit quick.

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