
Week 2 in Reception Blue 16.1.23 ๐ŸŒŸ

Our topic for this half term is Favourite Stories where we will be sharing lots of texts by the same author . We will also continue with our PSHE work and focus on Citizenship.๐Ÿ˜Š

Communication and Language- To listen and talk about the story โ€˜Room on the Broomโ€™ by Julia Donaldson and learn new vocabulary

Literacy- To describe the dragon from โ€˜Room on the Broomโ€™ using adjectives.

To identify individual phonemes and blend sounds in words.

Basic Skills – To develop letter formation skills

To sequence numbers to 9

Maths – To subitise to 5

To explore and compare mass.

Understanding of the worldTo sort animals that fly and donโ€™t fly

Expressive Art/Design– To create a magic wand for the witch in the story โ€˜Room on the Broomโ€™

SMSC-To think about which stories are special to Christians

SEAL – To know how to play nicely with others and be a good friend

This Friday we also had our second Stay and Play session. Please see some photos from our session.๐Ÿ˜Š

2 responses to “Week 2 in Reception Blue 16.1.23 ๐ŸŒŸ”

  1. Chinonso O.

    Chinonso said that she. Really. Enjoyed. Iearning

  2. Anaya K.

    Anaya said that she really enjoyed learning about the witch because they had to learn what the witch did.

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