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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


Week 2 in Reception Blue (18.9.23)

We have had a great week in Reception Blue! This week we started our Mastering Maths sessions, with a focus on subitising numbers to 3. We identified groups of objects up to 3 without counting them. We also continued with our Phonics learning.

Please have a look at our super learning and leave a comment. What have you enjoyed learning this week?

Basic Skills-Handwriting patterns, Dough Disco to develop fine and gross motor skills for writing, Name writing, To begin to form numbers correctly

Dough disco to strengthen grip ready for writing

Communication and Language (C and L)/SMSC -To think about what makes us special

PSED/SEAL-To describe what is special about me

Literacy-To identify and write initial sounds

EAD-To sing in a group or on their own, matching pitch and following melody. To join in with Nursery Rhymes.

Phonics-learning the speed sounds i, n, p, g, o

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