
Week 2 in Reception Blue

This week has been another very busy week in Reception Blue. To continue our Topic โ€™Fantastic Lightsโ€™, we read the story of Rama and Sita and found out all about Diwali. We wrote about the story, created beautiful diwa lights and talked about the celebrations we have at home with our families. As part of our SEAL topic we cooperated and took turns to play parachute games and join in with action songs. In our Maths learning we continued to match different objects to the correct number and challenged ourselves to represent numbers in different ways.

What was your favourite part of this week and why?

2 responses to “Week 2 in Reception Blue”

  1. Fathima U.

    This week fathima favourite week she is very happy and funny day

  2. Iver V.

    “The favourite part of my week was playing with the parachute because you need to try keeping the balls on and this is fun; making diva candles because I like making things; dressing up because I to help the poorly children”.

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