Week 3 in Reception Blue

This week in Reception Blue we looked at the story of A Dark, Dark Tale written by Ruth Brown and used it to base our learning of dark and light. We explored our school environment to find light and dark places and sorted pictures of different sources of light. In maths we continued to understand what numbers represent and used mathematical vocabulary of ‘more’, ‘fewer’ or ‘same’. Our SEAL theme this week has been focused on working together as a group and trying new ideas.

Please have a look at some of the photos of our learning from this week.

What was your favourite part of the week and why?

2 responses to “Week 3 in Reception Blue”

  1. Ruixi W.

    Ruixi loves the counting things, and we play some number games at home as well.

  2. Iver V.

    I really liked learning about numbers because I like to practice.

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