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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.


Week 3 in Reception Blue (25.9.23)

We have had a great week in Reception Blue! We read the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ by Eileen Browne and used our senses to explore different fruit. We also continued with our Mastering Maths sessions, with a focus on counting objects to 5, and with our Phonics, learning the speed sounds c, k, u, b, and f.

Please have a look at our super learning and leave a comment. What have you enjoyed learning this week?

Basic Skills-Handwriting patterns, Dough Disco to develop fine motor skills for writing, Subitising numbers to 3. Developing gross motor skills through dance and movement

Dough disco

Handwriting patterns

Developing gross motor skills through dance

Developing our subitising skills

Communication and Language (C and L) -To smell, taste and feel fruit and talk about it.

SEAL-To know what the school rules are and how to follow them

Literacy-To recognise known initial sounds and form them correctly. To use Fred Talk to read simple words

Maths-To identify and match 2D shapes

Mastering Maths-Counting objects and different sounds

SMSC-To know that everyone is special to God

EAD- To use fruit printing to create a fruit basket.

PSED-To work and play cooperatively and take turns with others

Happy birthday Precious. We hope that you and Peace have a lovely day. Thank you very much for the yummy cake and treats. 😊🎂

2 responses to “Week 3 in Reception Blue (25.9.23)”

  1. Joshua A.

    Well done superstars, I love that story too. Keep the good work! ( Joshuas mum)

  2. Faizah O.


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