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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Online Tasks


Homework books

Arithmetic paper (30 minute timer) and the reading comprehension (20 minute timer). Answers have been attached at the bottom, so please self-mark and be honest!

Wellbeing activity

Take some time over this 4 day break to relax, complete puzzles, visit the park, painting or whatever you find energising in between revision.

12 responses to “Y6 Homework (Due date 4th May)”

  1. Aayan S.

    In the arithmetic I got 36/37

  2. Safya S.

    i will make banners and themed plates saying IM DONE!

  3. Iqra

    Arithmetic – 23/37

  4. Bijan N.

    Did it

  5. Aayan M.

    Arithmetic- 31/37

  6. Muhammad S.

    Mr Janjua I think the password sticky note you have gave me fell while I was coming back to school.

  7. Eesa F.

    the online task is still not up why?

  8. Aamina B.

    For the arithmetic test,my score was 36/37.
    I have also completed the reading comprehension task but I can’t find the answers at the bottom on the text.

  9. Siddra K.

    On the first arithmetic test on question 25 it says the answer is 95 however I have used Bidmas and got the answer 79. should I mark this incorrect or correct?

  10. Ellie T.

    l gonna bake some cupcakes soon

  11. Alexis J.

    Arithmetic- 32/37

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