Hi Year 2. Homework this week is to be completed in your homework books. Please return them to school by Wednesday so that we can mark them and return them to you for the following Friday.

You can choose to do either week 2 or week 3 homework and complete the one you haven’t done next week

111 responses to “Year 2 Homework”

  1. Minnah M.

    On hit the button I scored 23/23 and 30/30

  2. Isaiah W.

    Wow challenge

    1. Roses
    2. Lavender

    I helped my mum prune the flowers on the weekend.

  3. Simeongeya W.

    I have done my week 2 homework in my homework book.
    Thank you.

  4. Yusuf S.

    I completed my Education City homework.
    I have played Hit the Button and have been working out halves of numbers.
    On Saturday, I followed a recipe to make a banana milkshake:
    1) Chop bananas
    2) Add to blender
    3)Add a scoop of ice cream
    4) Add a tbsp of peanut butter
    5) Add milk
    6) Blend and enjoy!

  5. Muhammad K.

    I helped my sister make cheesecake cups for a party. I have written the steps in my homework book.

  6. Muhammad K.

    i played hit the button and got 11 out of 11.

  7. Toleen S.

    I played but the button and scored 24/24😇😇

    1. Toleen S.

      Sorry not the button

      1. Toleen S.

        Sorry hit

  8. Tasneem S.

    I completed my challenge I got 15/15

    I made fairy cakes with my mum

    These are the ingredients we used

    200g Butter (unsalted)
    200g Golden Caster Sugar
    3 Eggs
    1 tsp Vanilla Extract
    200g Self raising white flour
    Half tsp Baking powder
    200g Golden Caster Sugar
    50g Butter
    Food colouring

  9. Faris B.

    Faris has completed the wow homework in his homework book from week 3 and played hit the button a few times. His score improved everytime, his highest score was 16/18

  10. Jari V.

    I have completed my homework 😊
    I made a cake and wrote the recipe in my book. I also played hit the button, my scores were: 6/6, 3/3, 8/9, 7/13, 2/4, 7/9, 8/13, 5/7, 9/12, 8/12, 5/5.

  11. Neda S.

    I made hot chocolate this is how:
    Chocolate powder into the cup comes first
    Then boil water in a kettle
    After you boiled the water pour the water into the cup ( which contains chocolate powder )
    Finally pour the milk into the cup then stir with a spoon

    Then you can enjoy the hot chocolate that you have prepared.

  12. Neda S.

    I played hit the button I got a score of 25/25

  13. Emil D.

    I got 18 out of 18 on hit the button.
    Me and my mum we made a sponge cake we used four eggs,two cups of sugar,two cups of milk,half a cup of oil,four cups of flour,2 spoons of baking powder.Next we mixed it all up and we put baking paper on a baking tray,then we put the mixture in the baking tray and put it on a 180 degrees for half and hour.

  14. Eliza N.

    I have completed my week 3 homework . I made a poster about kamodo island and played hit the button. My score improved every time I practised. 😊

  15. Esa A.

    I have done week 2 and week 3

  16. Esa A.

    I have strawberry, mint, rose, pear and coriander in my garden.
    I helped my dad and we cleaned our garden.
    I swept away the fallen leaves and changed the old soil with new one and after that i gave water to the plants.

  17. Kinza A.

    I played hit the button and my score was 10 out of 10

  18. Carter D.

    I have followed a recipe and wrote it in my book and my hit the button score.

  19. Ilyas K.

    Ilyas played hit the button game several times. Best Scores were 14/15, 25/25 .

    Ilyas followed Chocolate Rice Krispies cakes recipe. Video and pic sent to homework 1 link as no link on this page.
    Also wrote instructions in his homework book.

  20. Esa A.

    i have completed week 3 home work and i also did maths home work of week 2 in homework book.

  21. Minnah M.

    I did my homework but l did it in my homework book

  22. Ibrahim I.

    I drew the day the crayons quite and I did my favourite part was.

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