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This half term their will be a Summer Games club on Mondays after school. The sessions will run on Monday 10th, 18th, 25th June, 1st, 8th July and will run until 3:55. Collection will be at the Webster park gate. IF you would like to attend please complete the form below;

Children need to attend school on these dates in PE kit ready for the club. Collection is at Webster park gate at 3:55. If you have any questions please let us know.

7 responses to “Year 3/4 Summer Games Club – Mondays”

  1. Maryum N.

    Thx for info

  2. Hamasah Y.

    I signed the games club for today

  3. Esa A.

    I signed in for the club

  4. Ahyan K.

    How long will the club be?

  5. Eva T.

    I have signed up for the form and I will attend the club.
    Thank you!

  6. Rayyan M.

    1. Duamutef
    2. Imsety
    3. Hapy
    4. Qebesehnuef
    1. They thought they didn’t need it afterlife.

  7. Rexford A.

    Rexford has signed in for the club.

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