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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

Hello year 3, here is your new spellings for Autumn 1. We will have the spelling test on Friday. Can you please make sure that you practiceย everyday at home.ย These spelling will help you with your reading and writing .

Week 1 spellings were practised in school. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU START PRACTICING WEEK 2 SPELLINGS .

Must 2




7 responses to “Year 3 Autumn 1 Spellings.”

  1. Ameena I.

    Thanks I will practice at home

  2. Hamida K.

    Thank you

  3. Gift O.

    Thank you, I will practice my spellings at home

  4. Yusuf S.

    Thank you, I will practice at home.

  5. Sumayyah A.

    Thank you Mrs begum you are the best person in the world .

  6. Havin A.

    Thank you Mrs begum you are wonderfull

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