Here is this week’s homework. Don’t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. Complete a minimum of two pieces and if you have any problems, let your teacher know on Monday morning.


Your task this week is to write an explanation text about caring for your teeth. Use technical vocabulary that you have learnt in science.

Here is an example:

Taking care of your teeth helps prevent cavities and gum disease.

Brushing and flossing properly can prevent plaque (pronounced: plak), a clear film of bacteria that sticks to your teeth. After you eat, the bacteria break down sugar on your teeth into acids that eat away tooth enamel, causing holes called cavities. Plaque also causes gingivitis, which is gum disease that can make your gums red, swollen, and sore.

To prevent cavities, you need to remove plaque. To do this, brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day. Brushing also stimulates the gums, which helps to keep them healthy and prevent gum disease. Brushing and flossing are the most important things that you can do to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Use a toothpaste with fluoride to prevent cavities.

Dentists say you should brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes twice a day. Here are some tips on how to brush properly:

  • Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle against your gumline. Gently brush in short (about one tooth-wide) strokes. Brushing too hard can cause receding gums, tooth sensitivity, and, over time, loose teeth.
  • Brush all outside and inside surfaces of your teeth, and the chewing surfaces. Make sure to get into the pits and crevices.
  • You can also gently brush your tongue.
  • Use a timer or play a favorite song while brushing your teeth to get used to brushing for a full 2 to 3 minutes. Some electronic toothbrushes have timers that let you know when 2 minutes are up.

It is so important to look after your teeth so they last a whole lifetime and help you to eat and talk.

WOW homework

Today, we have learnt about ‘Dia de los muertos’, a festival that is celebrated in Mexico. This week, your wow homework is to create a poster showcasing all of the information that you have learnt today.

Try to include:

  • Why it is celebrated?
  • How it is celebrated?
  • Why is it an important festival in Mexico?

Add some pictures to make your poster more engaging

Maths Homework

Your Maths homework this week is on Education City, where we would like you to solve problems linked to our Addition and Subtraction work in class. Good luck!

89 responses to “Year 4 Autumn 1 Week 5 Homework”

  1. Seher A.

    math’s and wow homework completed.

  2. Mehreen I.

    We have to take care of our teeth because we can get cavity and holes in our teeth.
    Cleaning teeth properly stops bacteria.
    When we brush teeth, it removes bacteria from our teeth. If that bacteria stay on our teeth it damages the teeth surface.
    We should brush our teeth twice a day.
    We sbould use toothpaste with floride.
    We should also floss our teeth.

  3. Redir K.

    These are all the types of teeth:
    So if you brush your teeth two times a day you will have bright shying teeth that sparkle white they will shine like a bright shiny light like the sun
    Wisdom teeth as you know you will get your Wisdom when your 18 or older

  4. Raiyan K.

    I completed my home work on education city. English,
    Brushing and flossing properly,along with regular dental checkups can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

  5. Muhammad S.

    Taking care of our teeth is very important.
    We should brush twice a day.
    One time in the morning and the second time before going to bed.
    There are five different types of teeth.
    The incisors are the eight teeth that are most visible in the front of the mouth and are often called your front teeth. There are eight incisors in total, four on the top and four on the bottom.
    Outward in the mouth, the next teeth are the canines. These four teeth are the sharpest teeth of the mouth. The purpose they serve is to rip and tear food apart, making it easier to digest.
    Continuing outward, the premolars, or bicuspids, serve the purpose of chewing and grinding up food.
    The molars, or deciduous molars, serve the primary function of chewing and grinding food.
    Third Molars
    The last teeth that will develop, and often the first permanent teeth that will come out, are the third molars.
    To prevent gum disease we should floss our teeth regularly.

  6. Umama H.

    1. Use the right toothbrush.
    For most people, a soft-bristled toothbrush will be the safest choice. Depending on how vigorously you brush your teeth and the strength of your teeth, medium- and hard-bristled brushes could actually damage the gums, root surface, and protective tooth enamel.
    2. Replace old toothbrushes.
    A great toothbrush won’t stay that way for long. A toothbrush will typically have to be thrown out after just a few months of use. Watch for signs the bristles are becoming worn out.
    3. Brush twice a day.
    Brushing just once a day is massively better than not at all, but twice a day is what is really needed. Food can form into plaque in just eight hours, which means that brushing just once per day guarantees lots more plaque on your teeth.

  7. Ahmed B.

    1 you must brush your teeth 2 a day.
    2 brush or you’ll get gum disease.
    3 floss if needed.
    4 take a checkup monthly.
    5 ofen go to your dentist.
    6 3-6 should use a pea sided amount.
    7 0-3 should use a smear sided amount.

  8. Ahmed B.

    Maths i got 89 on one of them

  9. Andre M.

    In education city I hot 3 out of ten

  10. Lucas R.

    I completed all 4 education city.

  11. Andre M.

    Taking care of your teeth help prevent cavities and gum diseases. To prevent cavities one must remove plaque which is a bacteria that sticks to the teeth. Brushing the teeth regularly keep the teeth stimulated preventing gum disease. To take care of the teeth brushing at 45 degrees is very important. Properly taking care of the teeth involves brushing at least twice a day for about 2-3 minutes for the teeth to be healthy and strong. Floos to remove particles stuck between teeth also keep it clean fresh and healthy.

  12. Maddox B.

    i completed all tasks on education city,
    english: how to take care of your teeth,
    you should take care of your teeth to prevent gum disease and cavities,
    brushing your teeth helps prevent bacteria from growing on them.
    you should brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day and floss atleast once to remove any food that may be stuck it also keeps gums healthy.
    too much sugar is not good for your teeth,
    make sure you brush all outside and inside surfaces of your teeth. brush gently if you brush too hard you can make your gums sore.
    looking afrer your teeth is important

  13. Aran K.

    You at least brush your teeth between 2 or 3 minutes.get your brush and clean around it so you could have clean teeth.Don’t forget to use floss your teeth .Don’t eat that much fizzy drinks or sweets because your teeth will damage.If you eat to much sweet your teeth will fall down!

  14. Abdullah K.

    Taking care of your teeth prevents no illnesses or diseases.
    Brushing your teeth helps remove food and dirt from your mouth.You should brush your teeth in the morning and before you go to bed because it removes all the dirt and kills the sugar and brushing your teeth twice a day keeps it healthy.You should brush your teeth for 2-3 minitues.
    Education city
    Addition & subtraction score quiz=80%

  15. Ayaan M.

    1) Limit acidic drinks food and sweets.
    2) Brush your teeth twice a day.
    3) Floss your teeth everyday.
    4) Eat healthy food.
    5) Use fluoride toothpaste.
    6) Use mouthwash.
    7) Change your teeth brush every 4 months if need to.
    I completed maths on education to.

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