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Year 4 – Cabeza, hombro, roddilla y pie

Year 4 have learnt how to sing, Head, shoulders, knees and toes in Spanish!

How clever are we? Check us out on this blog!

Can you join in with these children and sing this in Spanish?

GD – Using the vocabulary below, can you write your own song similar to ‘cabeza, hombro, rodilla y pie….’ but using other parts of the body e.g:

cabeza, brazo, estomago y pierna

cabeza, brazo, estomago y pierna

dedos, rodilla, mano y nariz

cabeza, brazo, estomago y pierna

16 responses to “Year 4 – Cabeza, hombro, roddilla y pie”

  1. Abdul Y.

    Cabeza,brazo,rodilla dedos,rodilla dedos
    Cabeza,brazo,rodilla dedos,gorilla dedos
    Nariz,boca,orejas y in is
    Cabeza,brazo,rodilla dedos,rodilla dedos

    1. Abdul Y.

      Nariz,boca,orejas y ojos

  2. Estera V.

    Rodilla, pie, nariz y dedos Rodilla, pie, nariz y dedos
    Ojos, orejas, boca y mano
    Rodilla, pie, nariz y dedos

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Superstar Estera!

  3. Yaseen E.

    ✌My own version✌
    Cabeza, pie, Pierna ,los dedos
    Cabeza,el brazo, Pierna ,Pie
    los dedos, el cuello,la mano
    I hope you enjoy😋

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Yaseen, remember to follow the original pattern of the song, the first line is repeated, the one different line and then the original 1st line.

  4. Lusardo M.

    Cabeza, Caderas, Pierna , Pie, Pierna,Pie
    Cabeza, Caderas, Pierna , Pie , Pierna,Pie
    Orejas, Ojos, Nariz y Boka
    Orejas, Ojos, Nariz y Boka
    ¿ Por favor puede traducirlo ?

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done Lusardo! Your translation is: Head, hips, leg and foot, ears, eyes, nose and mouth. The correct spellings for mouth in Spanish is ‘boca’

  5. Maryam I.

    cabeza, brazo, estomago, rodilla, pie, ojos, arjas, boca, la nariz, cabeza, brazo, estomago, rodilla, pie.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      See me please Maryam.

  6. Miski M.

    Cabeza, Cuello, mano y nariz
    Cabeza, Cuello, mano y nariz
    Rodilla, estomago, dedos y pie
    Cabeza, Cuello, mano y nariz

  7. Maryam I.

    I enjoyed learning head sholders knee and nose.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      I am glad you did Maryam! What did you learn?

      1. Maryam I.

        I learnd head,sholders,knees and toes in spanish and how to perform it.

  8. Tipian I.

    ✨my own version ✨
    •Cabeza , Mano , dedos y pelo
    •Cabeza , Mano , dedos y pelo
    •Nariz , ojos , orejas y boca
    •Cabeza, Mano , dedos y pelo
    I hope you enjoyed this

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done Tipian! Does your first line mean, ‘head, hand, toes and hair’ and then ‘nose, eyes, ears and mouth’? This is 👍🏼

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