Year 4 History

Today in history 4W researched the quality of life in Tudor Britain and compared it to modern life.

How are Tudor houses different to modern life ?

How are Tudor clothes different to the clothes you wear ?

What was the food like during the Tudor times ?

One response to “Year 4 History”

  1. Nma M.

    1. Tudor houses are different to modern houses because houses now are made of bricks, glass windows. Also plastic, metal and much more. Tudor houses had wooden beams, thatched roofs, although rich people could’ve gotten wood, as they could afford a lot unlike poor people.

    2. Once Henry VIII died, everything went wrong for the people. The fashion completely changed. Men stopped wearing hoses, (tights) and they started wearing what a normal man would wear, women didn’t really change, yet to this day they do wear fancy dresses and all that, but sometimes they can change their styles then the Tudor times from now.
    3. Food in the Tudor times:
    |meat vegetables
    |pulses pie
    | fruit

    Deer, |
    Mutton, |
    Calves, |
    Pigs, |
    Badger, |
    Wild boar, |
    Birds, |
    Chicken, |
    Pigeons, |
    Sparrows, |

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