On 15th October, Year 4 will be celebrating their learning about Mexico with a themed day linked to one of the country’s most famous festivals; The Day of the Dead.

For this day, we would love the children to come into school wearing a Day of the Dead-themed costume. We do not want you to purchase costumes if you do not want to, and instead encourage you to wear black t-shirts and trousers and perhaps some face paint. Below are some images to take inspiration from.

10 responses to “Year 4’s Mexico Day”

  1. Kanishka P.

    Can you wear anything

    1. Kanishka P.

      By mistake wrong typing sorry

  2. Kanishka P.

    Do we have to wear red or green?

    1. Head Teacher

      Both as they are in the Mexican flag!

  3. Ghazala H.

    Am so excited for Mexico in Friday!

  4. Elyas A.

    Ok i will try to wear a costume

  5. Lusardo M.

    Okay I’ll try

  6. Zahraa Y.

    Ok I will try

  7. Tipian I.

    as I’m so happy ☺ thank you for telling uss

  8. Tana I.

    Ok 👌I will be scary

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