After their success in this year’s Coventry schools rugby tournament, Broad Heath have been invited to take part in a festival at the AT7 Centre on Wednesday 25th of October. The morning will be a mix of activities relating to the ‘flourish’ programme, which aims to promote positive mental health, as well as getting to play more tag rugby against other schools. It will start at 9:30 and finish at 12:00, so students can come to school at normal time and will be back in time for lunch as usual, but will need to make sure they come to school in PE kit. The following children have been selected to take part in the morning;

5 White: Zoe, Alima, Arfa

5 Red: Lawan, Ahmed,

5 Blue: Osas, Nick, Muhammed Y

6 Blue: Elham, Sumaya

6 Red: Yaseen,

6 White: Sameeha, Najma, Redir

Well done to those selected, we hope you enjoy the competition.

6 responses to “Year 5/6 Rugby Festival”

  1. Tana I.

    Hope you have fun

  2. Yahya K.

    Good luck

  3. Manha S.

    Enjoy!!!!! :)

  4. Osas O.

    Thanks for the information.

  5. Tipian I.

    You guys good luck
    Represent our school

  6. Muhammad Y.

    Thank you for the info.

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