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Year 5 White week 2.

5 white has had another fantastic week, the children’s work as well as attitude has gone from strength to strength and they have all took it upon themselves to maximise every learning opportunity. This has emphasised the importance of tenacity in our pursuit of knowledge. One of the most pleasing elements of this week is 5 White’s continued progression in the skill of effective communication. The questions and discussion points raised have been both informative and thought provoking throughout.

This week we have studied the features of a newspaper identifying some wonderful actions to help us. A real highlight was producing some headlines where the children were able to show off their individual sense of humour.

In English we have had aliens in the school!!! 5 white have used their imaginations beautifully this week to create some amazing work.

We have also started our new history topic the 1960’s which the children have displayed I great interest in I am very much looking forward to exploring this topic in greater detail.

5 White you’ve been a pleasure to teach again well done, lets have another great week next week.

Mr Kane.

Weekend questions:

1) What were some of the key differences between the artists Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein? (Full sentences please)

2) Pick 3 features of a good news paper article and write a definition. For example The headline or orientation.

Please practise your times tables and please practise your spellings.

This is the link for our homework this week please select 2 from week one. I’m looking forward to seeing your work on Monday.

Year-5-Homework-Planner-Autumn-1-1.pdf (

7 responses to “Year 5 White week 2.”

  1. Nihit N.

    I did my TTRS and education city work. I did my English homework and uploaded it to the SharePoint.

  2. Aysha R.

    1)What were some of the key differences between the artists Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein?
    The difference was that andy Warhol did his work again and again in different colours and ways and Roy Lichtenstien made his work by dots
    2) Pick 3 features of a good news paper article and write a definition. For example The headline or orientation.
    A caption
    A caption is when it tells us about the photo
    A image shows us proof
    A news paper name
    A newspaper name is when it tells you about the text

    Please practise your times tables and please practise your spellings.
    I will do it

  3. Nihit N.

    1. Andy Warhol had repeated patterns, in contrast, Roy Lichtenstein used Ben-Day dots. Andy was born in 1928, while Roy was born in 1923. Andy died shortly after gallbladder surgery but Roy died due to pneumonia.

    2. Three features of good newspaper article are a title, expert quotes and eye witness quotes.

  4. Sadeen S.

    1. Roy Lichtenstein was born in New York in 1923. He became famous for his bright and bold paintings of comic strip cartoons as well as his paintings of everyday objects. He was one of a group of artists making art in the 1960s who were called pop artists because they made art about ‘popular’ things such as TV, celebrities, fast food, pop music and cartoons.
    Andy Warhol on the other hand is famous for exploring popular culture in his work. Popular culture is anything from Coca Cola to pop stars to the clothes people like to wear. He made a print of Campbell’s Soup – a popular brand of soup in the United States. He said he ate Campbell’s tomato soup every day for lunch for 20 years!
    2. Orientation is the action of orienting someone or something relative to the points of a compass or other specified positions.
    A headline is a heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine.
    A byline is a line in a newspaper naming the writer of an article.

    1. Sadeen S.

      I have already finished my homework

  5. Osato O.

    1. The key differences is that Andy Warhol repeated his artwork. And Roy Liechtenstein used dots to create his art.

    2. Headline – its tells you what the newspaper or the thing is about.
    Orientation – it is the opening of the newspaper article.
    By line – it tells you who wrote the newspaper article.

  6. Hammad A.

    1) What were some of the key differences between the artists Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein?
    Andy Warhol:
    Such style is a strong appearance of popular art that significantly differs from other pop art styles. Lichtenstein created art with a humorous and soft approach, whereas Warhol’s art demonstrates a lack of love and cold irony. His paintings show accidents, death, strong feelings, and emotions.
    Roy Lichtenstein:
    Roy Fox Lichtenstein was an American pop artist. During the 1960s, along with Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, and James Rosenquist among others, he became a leading figure in the new art movement. His work defined the premise of pop art through parody. Inspired by the comic strip.
    a heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine.
    by line-a line in a newspaper naming the writer of an article.
    orientation- an end of a news paper article.

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