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Year 6 Dovedale trip – Tuesday 3rd October 2023

As many of you are aware, our annual visit to Dovedale will be taking place this year! This is a great opportunity for the children to try something new and tackle new challenges.

Tuesday 3rd October 2023
Arrive to school at normal time
for a prompt 9:00am departure
Collect from school at 4:00pm
(Hanford Close)

What do I wear?

PE kit
(Walking boots or trainers with strong grip and ankle support)
Waterproof jacket: It will be windy and wet! (You must remain dry, once you become wet you will get colder throughout the day)
Warm clothes: Jumpers, woolly hat, waterproof gloves for grip
Backpack: To store lunch, drink and healthy snacks

Children should wear comfortable and sensible clothes suitable for hill/mountain walking.

Please remember to bring a carrier bag!

What will I eat?
Children who normally have a school dinner, will be given a packed lunch from school. Children can bring additional snacks/water but this should not be excessive as children will be expected to carry their bags with them all day. Children who normally bring a packed lunch should bring a lunch to school as normal.

Rich in carbohydrates and protein so children have the energy to climb the mountain!

Can I take money?
There will be no need for money as there are no shops on site.
No money, no electronics or games.

6 responses to “Year 6 Dovedale trip – Tuesday 3rd October 2023”

  1. Yunus R.

    My mum would like to attend to the dovedale trip if she has a place I would appreciate it

  2. Ibrahim M.

    I can’t wait!

  3. Tana I.

    Thank you for the information

  4. Flourish A.

    I will let my Mum known

  5. Zahraa Y.

    Thank you I have informed my mother of this information

  6. Tipian I.

    Ok thank you

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