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Year 6 Maths Challenge Spring 1 2023

Last term, we were learning about fractions. Your challenges are linked to fractions of amount. Think carefully about what the question is asking you to do.


A little monkey had 60 peaches.

He decided to give away 3/4 of his peaches.

How many peaches did he have left?
Explain how you got your answer clearly.


A little monkey had 75 peaches.

On day 1 he gave away 1/3 of his peaches.

On Day 2 he then received 10 more peaches. With this he gave away 2/6 of his peaches and ate 4.

How many peaches does the little monkey have left?


7 responses to “Year 6 Maths Challenge Spring 1 2023”

  1. Fatimah K.

    I will do this in my homework book.

  2. Surinder J.

    I have completed the maths challenge.

  3. Nihit N.

    I have completed this in my homework book.

  4. Maryam G.

    I have completed my maths challenge.

  5. Hasan S.

    I have done it in my homework book

  6. Israa F.

    Ok I will do this in my homework book

  7. Luxor A.

    I will do it in my homework book.

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