We are approaching SATs week – a week to showcase all your learning and academic gains during your time at Broad Heath.
Below is some important information for everyone.

Every child MUST be in school for 8am (please come to the main office)

-Ensure everyone has had a good nights sleep and positive morning.

-Please pack a piece of fruit or cereal bar for break everyday. (A sugar boost is needed)

The children have had lots of practise for their tests. They have worked hard and are fully prepared. This is their chance to shine.

Any questions or concerns, please speak to your child’s teacher or myself (Mrs Morris) before SATs week.

Monday 13th May – SPaG (45 minutes) & Spelling (15 minutes)

Tuesday 14th May – Reading paper (1 hour)

Wednesday 15th May- Arithmetic (30 minutes) & Reasoning paper (40 minutes)

Thursday 16th May- Maths reasoning paper (40 minutes)

P.E lots to be worn on Tuesday and Thursday as normal

8 responses to “Year 6 SATs Week”

  1. Aisha A.

    Thank you for the information

  2. Xlexben F.

    Thank you for the information

  3. Hudayifah A.

    What are we gonna be doing on Friday?

    1. Ayaan M.

      We are going to be doing wellbeing day

  4. Sarah A.

    Thanks you for the information

  5. Tana I.

    Thank you for the information

  6. Romeesa T.

    ok thank you for the information

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