1 Blue’s PE lesson

WOW what a super PE lesson we had today. Miss Shilton and Mrs Patel were so proud of you using different skills. We used benches for travelling and balancing. Box top was where you were swinging your arms then jumping off using your legs to land. My favourite was ‘The floor is Lava’ this was very challenging when you had to jump to the right foam pieces.

Can you tell me which activity was your favourite and why?

Enjoy the short video and evidence of you using different skills.

3 responses to “1 Blue’s PE lesson”

  1. Adam K.

    Adam said he really enjoyed the floor of lava

  2. Amina A.

    Today I really enjoy on my PE day!
    I like jumping ,swinging in my arms and wokeing on the block and balanced on my body🙂

  3. Head Teacher

    Love the range of skills, lovely to see and SMILE!

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