1 Blue Stay and Play session 23rd March 2023

Thank you to all the mums who attended our Stay and Play session today. We celebrated Motherโ€™s Day last Sunday. Today we made cards at school to show our mum how much we love them.
Making an origami tulip was a little tricky but everyone managed to make one with their mumโ€™s support or teachers. Thank you all the mums who supported their children and other children too in the class.

What and when do say Thank you to your mum for?

4 responses to “1 Blue Stay and Play session 23rd March 2023”

  1. Adam K.

    I would like to say massive thank you to Mrs Patel and Mrs Khan for allowing us parents to come in for stay and play. Adam said he says thank you to his mummy everytime she makes nice dinner, helps me all the time, buys me nice toys and also cares for me. Adam said he really enjoys stay and play when my mummy comes and he really enjoyed making mummy a card.

    1. Head Teacher

      That is a lovely comment.

  2. Aaron R.

    I say thank you to Mummy every time, like when we go out or when I have my dinner or if she helps me.

  3. Samuel N.

    I love when my mum come to visit my school

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