1 Blues learning journey for week 1

This week in 1 Blue, the children started their new English topic on instructions. Where they followed instructions to make their diva lamps and then practiced giving each other instructions on how to make a diva lamp. In Maths the children looked closely at number bonds within 10. They used counters, cubes and numicons to show different numbers bonds within 10. In history the children talked about what they celebrate and how it makes them feel.
Take a look at some of the wonderful learning that has taken place during the week.

4 responses to “1 Blues learning journey for week 1”

  1. Rumaysa K.

    Rumaysa said she really enjoyed making the diva lamps.

  2. Adam K.

    Adam said he had followed instructions given how to make divas and told mum how he made them and he was waiting for them to dry so he can paint them

  3. Aaron R.

    I followed instructions to make a diva. First you need to roll it and then you have to push the hole in the middle. Then you pinch it around the top bit and then you have to let it to dry. When it is hard you can paint it with lots of colours. Then you can put a candle inside it.

    1. Mrs Shergill (1B)

      Wow, these are great instructions on how to make a diva lamp. Can you now have a go at writing some of these instructions.

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