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1B Stay & Play

Hi everyone,

We’re excited to announce that this week’s Stay & Play will be an arts and crafts session dedicated to creating special treats for Father’s Day! Mums, dads, grandparents, and siblings are all welcome to join in the fun.

We have 10 spaces available, which will be allocated to the first 10 people who comment on our blog.

Please join us at the Hanford Close entrance at 2:30 PM on Thursday, 13th June.

We look forward to seeing you there!

8 responses to “1B Stay & Play”

  1. Anaya A.

    Anaya ali’s dad would like to attend

  2. Sofia S.

    Sofia S mum will be there

  3. Mehmet K.

    Mehmet’s daddy will come

  4. Tilly W.

    Tilly’s Mama would like to join

  5. Patrick V.

    My parents will be attending.

  6. Rahima B.

    My mum will be attending

  7. Zack W.

    Zack’s daddy will like to attend

  8. Anastazja P.

    Anastazja’s dad will be present. Thank you.

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