1R Alien School Role Play

This week, we have been working on retelling the story of ‘Welcome to Alien School’ verbally. We really enjoyed doing this through role play. Have a look for yourselves!

Can you retell the story in your own words?

7 responses to “1R Alien School Role Play”

  1. Azra S.

    I love alien day because it was fun and good

  2. Azra S.

    i love th aleiyun day bikus it whas fun and gud

  3. Tobias T.

    First he was playing with his new rocket he was about to launch it but his mum called ALBIE! Then his mum passed him his bag and then he got in the car and he put his seat belt on and he said whoa! Then he went this is awesome. Then he went in a strange planet and he saw a lot of aliens and he saw crazy aliens. Then he say a giant one and the giant one said what’s your name and he said my names Albie please don’t want me and the alien said I never eat my friends. Then they did maths and spellings. Then it was lunch time and then Nogal pushed a button and it splatted out and Albie said errrr and then they play on the scooter and Albie went off and mr Krak saved him and then he went home.
    I would not like to go to alien school, there’s too much aliens!

  4. Eesha A.

    Albie was playing with rocket then his mum called him he went outside and he zoomed up to the moon! Albie went to alien school he said please don’t eat me and the big alien said I won’t eat you. Then they all had a really fun time.

  5. Logan B.

    Logan loves seeing his friends and class mate there were wearing and he said amazing day

  6. Lily W.

    I had a fun day at alien school!!!! I love all the amazing alien stuff we’ve been doing my favorite part of the story is when the food button is pressed and Albie says ewwwwww!!!! If aliens came to broad heath they would love our curry!!! Xxx

  7. Ayman Q.

    children are enjoying while learning..Hip Hip Hurry..

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