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1R Orange group – Model Birds

In Guided Reading this half term, the Orange group have been reading a text called โ€˜Model birdsโ€™. This week we had the chance to follow the instructions in the book to make our very own bird. We LOVED doing this!

Can you write instructions to make a model bird? Remember to use numbers, capital letters and full stops.

2 responses to “1R Orange group – Model Birds”

  1. Albert Q.

    First roll a big ball with plasticine as the bird’s body, then roll a small ball as its head, then cut a triangle with yellow paper as its beak, I will make two red eyes, and wings, and finally Use two sticks for its legs!

    1. Miss Smith

      Great job Albert! Remember to use numbers e.g. 1. First roll a big ball of plasticine. 2. Then roll a small ball for the head.

      Please see Miss Smith for a prize!

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