1R Well-Being Day

What an absolutely brilliant day we had! It was brilliant to see the smiles on everybody’s faces. You didn’t want any of the activities to end!

First we played playground games…

It was great to hear children saying they were going to play these games at lunchtimes too!

We then reflected upon things that make us HAPPY! We are all unique and enjoy different things. It was lovely to listen to each other talk so joyfully!

We had an absolutely amazing afternoon carrying our our first PLAY PROJECT! We had to create our very own monster. Each monster had a special power which could be activated by reading the code word. Everybody chose their own word but the words all had ‘special friends’ in them! We also created mathematical codes. The monster would become your friend if you could solve the problem!

What makes you happy?
What was your favourite part of the day?
What was your monster’s superpower? What was your password and mathematical code?

One response to “1R Well-Being Day”

  1. Haitham B.

    Playing football makes me happy.
    My favourite part of well being day was making the monsters. My monsters superpower was fire 🔥 and my password was the 5 times table, to finish the rest !

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