Year 3 Trip arrival to Hanford Close estimated at 5:00PM

2 Red’s Transition Day!

Hello 2 Red! It was wonderful getting to know you all! You are a funny and smart bunch of children and we cannot wait to have you in 3 Red everyday next year! We hope you had fun today making your dream jars, playing games and painting self portraits, all of your fantastic work will be displayed in the classroom in September for you to see.

Comment below and share your dream for Year 3! What would you like to achieve?

4 responses to “2 Red’s Transition Day!”

  1. Havin A.

    I love 3red

  2. Yasiin H.

    I like my very nice 🥹

  3. Mrs Begum

    Hamza it was a pleasure meeting you and the rest of the class. I had an amazing time and can’t wait for you guys to be in 3R . Looking forward to gain lots of new skills 👍🏼☺️

  4. Hamza M.

    I really like my new class and the teachers ☺️. I would like to do lots of art work and creativity🎨

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