2B Science – Investigating and Observing

Last week, the children rubbed potatoes on different surfaces. Today, they observed and described the changes they could see. Please watch the video below.

What did you find out?

8 responses to “2B Science – Investigating and Observing”

  1. Hassanati H.

    It was nice

  2. Miss Bhangu

    Wow! You have shown great investigating and observation skills 2 Blue.

  3. Sara H.

    the floor made the potato the most dirty

  4. Adam A.

    All the potatoes looked rotten 🥔

  5. Zakir F.

    I think that the toilet seat was the dirtiest one and the Cleanest one was the hand one

  6. Bilal U.

    I loved it and when we were doing science 🧪

  7. Muhammed I.

    The floor is the dirtyest potato 🥔

  8. Hudaa M.

    The floor is the dirtyest potato

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