2Blue are Artists!

I have always appreciated how creative the children are in my wonderful class. Today, you created your seascapes using a range of skills and how amazing they all look!

CHALLENGE: What did you add to your seascape to create texture? How did it feel?


5 responses to “2Blue are Artists!”

  1. Isabelle T.

    I love each art.

  2. Amaal H.

    It was fun painting the pictures!

  3. Amelia B.

    I used cotton wool for the clouds and it felt very soft and fluffy.
    I liked my seascape because I used watercolours and poster paints.

  4. Mueez K.

    I added waves to make texture and it felt Colm.

  5. Rayyan R.

    I like isabble art and kia it so much cool

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