2Blue Make a Banana Milkshake!

For English today, the children gave clear verbal instructions. They helped to make a delicious, healthy banana milkshake! Yum!

Thank you for your Barbie Blender, Rabia ๐Ÿ˜…

CHALLENGE: Can you tell me how your milkshake tasted using exciting adjectives and can you suggest any improvements to our recipe?

8 responses to “2Blue Make a Banana Milkshake!”

  1. Minsa M.

    Loved it!! I will make it at home as well.

  2. Rabia S.

    Thank you for my Barbie blender. It tasted very very yum yum

  3. Hosanna N.

    I really liked the milkshake it taste like banana smoothy and creamy

  4. Ziad H.

    The milkshake was incredible

  5. Shreya S.

    The banana milk shake tasted delicious and I would put strawberry,sprinkles as well with a straw too.

  6. Isabelle T.

    The milk shake was yummy and I had so much fun!๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Mueez K.

    My milkshake tasted creamey and to improve are milkshakes we need more icecream scoops and more whipped cream

  8. Oliwia B.

    I will put a cherry ๐Ÿ’ in my milkshake to make it sweet

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