2Blue Make Banana Milkshake!

For English today, the children gave clear verbal instructions on how to make a banana milkshake.
CHALLENGE: Can you tell me how your milkshake tasted using exciting adjectives and can you suggest any improvements to our recipe?

STAR Spellers!

7 responses to “2Blue Make Banana Milkshake!”

  1. Hannah B.

    I didn’t like the milkshake but it was just fine sorry ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜…

  2. Bilal U.

    I think the banana milkshake tasted appetising and scrumptious. I can improve the banana milkshake recipe by adding other fruits like apples, oranges, nectarines.

  3. Ella K.

    I enjoy that.

  4. Sara H.

    the banana milkshake tastes really tasty

  5. Manuela M.

    The milkshake was delicious and icy.
    We could add more milk.

  6. Rahman A.

    The milkshake tasted yummy , sweet and
    ice ๐ŸงŠ.
    We could add more ice cream

  7. Zakir F.

    The milkshake tested delicious, scrumptious and appetizing.

    We could add more next time.

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