
2Blue’s BLITZY Week!

Congratulations to these STAR Spellers who achieved 10, 9 or 8 this week!

5 responses to “2Blue’s BLITZY Week!”

  1. Great O.

    I wish i was in the blitz and realy want to do it again

  2. Ziad H.

    The air raid siren was exciting, the shelter was called The Anderson Shelter.

  3. Amelia B.

    1)I felt scared when the air raid went off but a little safer when I went under the table.
    2)The name of the shelter is called The Anderson Shelter but it was very small and the people had to ration their food.

  4. Rayyan R.

    Rayyan said he felt scared and he was looking to find ways to save his life and his friends.He wore a gas mask to save himself.

  5. Ziad H.

    Well done super spellings and were you able to make it through without dying

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