To kickstart our new Maths unit, Year 2 are learning all about 2D shapes.

We have learnt the term vertices. Can you remember what vertices are?
As a reminder, let’s recap the different 2D shapes we have explored this week.
These were square, rectangle, circle, hexagon, pentagon and octagon.

We have also been looking at 3D shapes, finding out how many vertices they have. But what are 3D shapes?…

Have a look at some examples below:

Some of these shapes included a sphere, cylinder, cube, cuboid, triangular prism and cone.
Which one of these shapes has 0 vertices and which shape has the most vertices?

Task 1:


Extra task: Go on a shape hunt at home. How many 2D shapes can you find? How many 3D shapes can you find? List the items and the shape they are, counting how many vertices they have. Challenge a sibling to see who can find more.

18 responses to “2D and 3D Shapes”

  1. Aurora H.

    My top of my ceiling is a shape of a square.

  2. Aurora H.

    My Christmas tree a triangle shape my tv is rectangle shape with 4 pointy bits

    1. Aurora H.

      My door is a shape of a rectangle.

  3. Huzaifa S.

    Vertices are about finding a corner in 3d shapes. Sphere as no vertices because its round like a ball.

    Task 1


    shape hunt for 2d and 3d around the house

    2d shapes are:

    Rectangle I found a book, tv, my writing table
    Square I found a dice

    3D shapes are:

    Sphere I found a beach ball it has no vertices.
    Cylinder I found my water bottle and a medicine bottle.
    Cone I found an ice cream and a fennel.
    Cube I found a game dice which has 8 vertices.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Well done Huzaifa! This is a fantastic contribution to your learning.

  4. Bilal U.

    Vertices are points like corners.
    From the 3d shapes sphere has 0 vertices, sides and faces because sphere is only round.
    Cube has the most vertices, sides and faces.
    Task 1:
    A rhombus is not a parallelogram
    I know this because a rhombus is not shaped like a parallelogram.
    Extra challenge:
    2D shapes
    Book is a rectangle shape it has 4 vertices.
    Square game board is a square shape it has 4 vertices.
    Circle tile is a circle shape it has 0 vertices.
    3D shapes
    Water bottle is cylinder shape it has 0 vertices.
    Cuboid suncream box is a square prism it has 8 vertices.
    Game dice is a cube shaped it has 8 vertices.
    Marble is a sphere shaped it has 0 vertices.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Well done Bilal! I am very impressed with your effort.

  5. Noah M.

    Ar rhumbus is not as parallelogram I know this because rhombus has 4 equal sides and a pallagrelogram has only two equal sides.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      That’s great knowledge shared Noah!

  6. Zakir F.

    Vertices are where 2 edges meet of 2D and 3D shapes example are cones has 1 vertex and a cube has 8 vertices and 2D shapes stand.
    3D shapes are solid shape that have 3 dimensional figures. For example a cuboid cylinder cone and cube but 3D shapes stand and don’t need support.
    A sphere has 0 vertices. A ball is a sphere. A rectangle is a rectangle. An ice cream cone is a cone. A triangle is a triangle. A box is a cuboid. A square is a square.
    A dice is a cube. A circle is a circle.
    A Cube has 4 faces. I know this because a box has 4 sides.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Well done Zak!

      1. Maryum N.

        A rhombus has 4 vertices
        And square has 4

  7. Dhonshan R.

    A rhombus is not parallelogram I know this because, rhombus is look like a square.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      How many vertices does a rhombus have?
      How many vertices does a square have?

  8. Freya S.

    Beach Ball is sphere
    Ice cream is cone
    Present is cuboid
    Dise is cube

    I showed Freya this page while she feqlt a little better in between medicine . Please go over with her . She has a understanding

    1. Maryum N.

      My TV is rectangle
      My clock is sphere
      My lights are circle
      My light switch is square
      My Dice is square
      My sofa is rectangle
      My water bottle is cone

      1. Miss Bhangu

        Lovely effort!
        A cone shaped water bottle sounds very interesting…
        Are you sure?

    2. Miss Bhangu

      Thank you for participating and having a go Freya.
      Well done!

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