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School closed on 6th May for a Bank Holiday. School open again on the 7th.

3 Red’s Art and Science Week

3 Red have had a fantastic week, myself and Mrs Begum have greatly enjoyed getting to know all of you. This week we have expressed our creativity creating individual and collaborative pieces of art. We investigated light and shadows and applied our knowledge to create pieces of art and shadow shows! Please view our gallery below to see what we got up to. Well done for a superb first week everybody and remember 3 Red is where you build your hopes and dreams!

What did you enjoy most this week? What Broad Heath values did you use? Comment below and share your thoughts.

14 responses to “3 Red’s Art and Science Week”

  1. Ilyas K.

    I enjoyed playing with the sticks and making art with the light and shadows. Mostly I loved the circus coming to school! The plate spinning was awesome and the hula hoops were amazing. Thank you for bringing such fun to school. I told my mum all about it.

    One of the values that we showed each other was kindness by helping someone when they fall down or need help. Asking each other how we are feeling, sharing hugs and smiling to each other.

  2. Kinza A.

    We used teamwork as a whole class

  3. Mya F.

    Thank you Mr Holland for the great
    week of art and science my best Bit was making the art pictures and seeing the and seen the circus. Can’t wait for Monday to start a new week of learning

  4. Sumayyah A.

    1. I enjoyed art the art I enjoyed was ourselves portrait.

  5. Jad A.

    I enjoyed the part when we were done by Abdelrahman

  6. Hamza M.

    The most I enjoyed was the stick and plate.I

  7. Carter D.

    I loved it so much ✅

  8. Awais J.

    1: teamwork
    3: resilience

    1. Awais J.

      Awais Jebrin havin.

  9. Ariyan S.

    1.I enjoyed the circus 🎪 and I liked shadow puppets . 2. Kindness and empathy

  10. Aiza B.

    I like the one witch we did with stew 🍲

  11. Aiza B.

    We used kindness

    1. Head Teacher


  12. Aiza B.

    Spinning plate and all of them .
    The one witch I enjoyed was is spinning 😵‍💫 plate

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