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3 White make Jack a giant!

This morning in 3 White we looked at the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. To make sure Jack stood a chance against the deadly giant we made him 3x bigger.

Children did this by measuring their own body parts and multiplying measurements by 3. They used magic beans (cubes) to make arrays and some children partitioned the measurements to multiply them by 3.

How do you accurately measure?

What method for multiplication did you use and why?

22 responses to “3 White make Jack a giant!”

  1. Tinuola T.

    How do you accurately measure?
    to accurately measure we have to start exactly from 0.
    What method and multiplication did you use and why?
    I used my 3x tables because we had to times it by 3 to make a giant.

  2. Alya M.

    I measured at 0
    I partitioned by 3 because it is ezey

    1. Miss Redhead

      easy – s not a z

  3. Hamida K.

    You accurately measure by doing the 3 times table.
    We used the cubes for the method.
    Vanessa and Hamida,

    1. Miss Redhead

      You don’t use the 3 times table to use a tape measure. How do you accurately use a tape measure?

  4. Mustafa Z.

    1. you measure at 0
    we used measure tape

    1. Miss Redhead

      What method did you use to do the calculation?

  5. Ameena I.

    You need to start at zero to measure.
    We doubled the number to get the answer
    Maya ,Ameena and Haroon

    1. Miss Redhead

      If you were doubling the answer you made a mistake. How do you multiply by 3?

  6. Rexford A.

    You should measure by 0 and measure around the object/human until you land at the point of 0.

    We partitioned it because something like 43x by 3 we first did 40x 3
    That = 120 and 3×3 = 9 and 120+ 9 = 129.
    By Ranj and REX

    1. Miss Redhead

      Well done boys!

  7. By starting at zero.
    We partitioned it by three because using cubes will take longer than partitioning it.

    1. Miss Redhead

      I agree cubes would take a long time!

  8. Eva T.

    We started by 0 and we partitioned the numbers.

    1. Eva T.

      Camarni Nabiha and Eva T

    2. Miss Redhead

      Why did you choose to partition?

  9. Rayan M.

    We yous cube to measure things.
    And we start on zero

    1. Miss Redhead

      How did you use the cubes what did you make?

  10. Hadiya M.

    I accurately measured by starting from 0.
    I partitioned by using multiplication.
    Aadam and Hadiya

    1. Miss Redhead

      Why did you choose to partition?

  11. Jegor S.

    We start on Zero measure.
    We have no cubes.

    1. Miss Redhead

      You did have cubes I saw you with them. How did you calculate your answers?

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