
3W – First Aid Training 🏥

This afternoon, Year 3 had the opportunity to learn basic first aid and to practise on a mannequin. We identified dangers around the home, school and the road. We learnt what to do when we are choking. We learnt a song that helped you do CPR and how we can carry out basic first aid.

Who can help with first aid?

What steps do we take if someone is choking?

10 responses to “3W – First Aid Training 🏥”

  1. Camarni H.

    1. An ambulance, someone with first aid training, a doctor and a trusted adult
    2. Hit their back five times and check if the food is out

  2. Adrian O.

    2. First hit the back 5 times each check if it came out.
    If it doesn’t work put 1 hand on another, top hand fingers go other in-between the other finger and push 5 times.

  3. Adrian O.

    People who can with first aid help are trusted adults.

  4. Adrian O.

    You should never go to straight CPR when someone is not breathing.

  5. Rexford A.

    And you have to use your palm or there rin will be damaged

  6. Rexford A.

    The people who could help with first aid are trusted adults.
    First 5 hits on the back but each hit check if it’s come out but if it doesn’t go behind them your hand should be straight and the other hands fingers should be in between your separate fingers as then you go under heart and push in and out 5 times.

  7. Hamida K.

    A trusted adult can help or our parents.
    First you need to pat them 5 times on their back.
    Second you sqeeuze them 5 times.

  8. Aadam R.

    You can ask a trusted adult or a paramedic to do first aid or you can ask a nearby adult.

    See if it is really bad and then lift them up and put your hands on there stomach and then pump it back and fourth until the food comes out.

  9. Ebnezere A.

    1 people who know how to help
    2 you pat at the back 5 times

  10. Subodh K.

    1. anyone can help
    2. with your palm pat them on the back, for five times and then over the belly button and
    under the ribs squeeze them five times and the then check is the food or object has come out.

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