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4 Red-International Braille day

Today is International Braille day and we have been learning all about people who are blind and how they read and write.


Tell me three interesting facts that you have learnt about braille today?

11 responses to “4 Red-International Braille day”

  1. Amirah T.

    I have learnt it helps blind people and each combination of dots represent a letter. I have also learnt how to write my name in braille

  2. Maryam M.

    1.The blind people new how to say the words just with dots.
    2.The blind people used shot sticks instead of black.
    3.That Lois braille made this day.

  3. Sabiha K.

    Louis Braille became blind when he was three and he invented Braille when he was fifteen.

  4. Sabiha K.

    The two amazing facts I learned was it is very hard for blind people had to practice, it must be very difficult.

  5. Zoe E.

    1thing I learnt is that blind people use dots to know what they are writing ✍.
    2 things I learn was they read big books so they know what they are actually reading. And the dots are big and better to read 📚.

  6. Hamsia D.

    1. Blind people use white sticks so they can feel what is in front of them.
    2. The writing that blind people use is called Braille.
    3. The dots on the road tell blind people that they are near a road.

  7. Alima S.

    two amazing facts I leaned today was that the dots can help blind and people who are not blind read, understander the words and write.
    Another amazing fact I leaned was blind people use a white stick to help them know where they are going and if people see them they will help them cross the road.

  8. Ramandeep K.

    1.I learnt that the dots on the road tells blind people that there going on the road.
    2.Blind people use a white stick to help them now where they are outside.
    3. Blind people use a braille book wich have dots that repersent a letter.

  9. Ahmad R.

    The 2 things I lererd was the typwiter that. There were
    6 and about brel

  10. Mrs Hurt

    What a fabulous afternoon! You were all fantastic learners! And thank you Year 4 for helping me learn so much too!!

    1. Mrs Walker

      Mrs Hurt I had a great afternoon with you and the children. It was a really interesting afternoon. I particularly liked learning how to use the typewriter.

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