
4 Red-Science: Flood proof houses

This half term in Science we have been looking at how to make a flood proof houses and testing out various materials, that would with hold the water.

Can you explain what a prototype is and what materials would be best to stop the house from flooding?

3 responses to “4 Red-Science: Flood proof houses”

  1. Manha S.

    A first thing from which other forms are developed. Jay cloth, lollipop sticks and cardboard are the best materials used to stop the house from flooding.

  2. Arifa H.

    I think a prototype is an example of something.
    The best materials to stop houses from flooding is wood,lollipop sticks and jay cloth.

  3. Alima S.

    we can use j cloths, wooden sticks, lolly pop stick and paper.

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