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4W investigate why we have different teeth

Today in 4W we explored why we have different teeth and what each type of tooth is called. To start our learning, we looked at our teeth using a mirror. We then tasted different types of food to explore why they are used.

Name the different types of teeth humans have?

How many teeth does a child have? How many teeth does an adult have?

What are the different types of teeth used for?

How are human and animal teeth similar or different?

8 responses to “4W investigate why we have different teeth”

  1. Safaa Y.

    Molars , canines and wisdom teeth

  2. Zainullah S.

    Incisors,canines,molars,premolars,wisdom teeth

  3. Zakariyah T.

    1. We have our insicors the help us with biting food. We have or canine teeth that help us rip food apart. Our molasse are the ones that help us Chew and grond food. Only adults get their wisdom teeth.
    2. A child has 20 teeth but a adult has 32 teeth .
    3. They have different teeth because since they do different jobs

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Zak. Why do children have less teeth than an adult?

  4. Charis O.

    Insicors ,canine,pre molasse and molars .

  5. Charis O.

    Elephant is a herbivore it only has molars and insicors only. A human is a omnivore and it eats everything that is food so they have vv

  6. Charis O.

    1. We have our insicors the help us with biting food. We have or canine teeth that help us rip food apart. Our molasse are the ones that help us Chew and grond food. Only adults get their wisdom teeth.
    2. A child has 20 teeth but a adult has 32 teeth .
    3. They have different teeth because since a

    1. Jebrin Y.

      Caines,isisors,molars, premolars and wisdom teeth.A adult has 32 teeth and a child has 20 teeth.caines rip food up, molars crush food up, and isisors chew and bite food.A human is an omnivore so it has all type of teeth but a lion has different length like they insisors are the shortest caines that are the longest.

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