5 Blue – Macbeth presentations

This week in English, we have been looking at the different characters and exploring their relationship with Macbeth. Today, we created posters and did a presentation to show the type of character Macduff is and how he changes throughout the play.

  • How is Macduff different to Macbeth?
  • What is Macduff’s role in the play?

4 responses to “5 Blue – Macbeth presentations”

  1. Safa M.

    Macbeth is more ambitious and has more power but Macduff isn’t that wealthy or ambitious.
    Macduff role is to kill Macbeth and bringing back peace to Scotland by crowning Malcolm and putting Macbeth’s head on a stick

  2. Lillie S.

    How is Macduff different to Macbeth?
    Macduff was born by a Caesarean section
    What is Macduff’s role in the play?
    Macduff is the founder of Duncan’s dead body and Is also the hero of the story by killing Macbeth

  3. Naimol A.

    Well done everybody

  4. Sumayyah A.

    1) Macduff is different to Macbeth because Macbeth is more ambitious but Macduff remains loyal. Macduff is King Duncan son and wants King Duncan to stay king and his eldest son to be king next but Macbeth is convinced my Lady Macbeth to kill the king and for him to be king.
    2) Macduff role is to kill Macbeth and to be king and to be in the other army in the play he’s like one of the leaders

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