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5 Blue performing ‘The Raven’

Today, 5 Blue have been performing ’The Raven’ by Edgar Allan Poe. They had to look at using intonation, tone and body language. Watch the performances below and tell me what you did well and how you could improve it?




10 responses to “5 Blue performing ‘The Raven’”

  1. Brooke M.

    stanza 1 could be improved by not just luxor doing the actions but marayahm to.

    stanza 2 could be improved by lawy looking at the camera and learning the script by heart so he doesn’t have to look at the scrip.

    stanza 3 could improve the actions and the emotions to there voice also they could speak slower.

  2. Aisha R.

    In stanza 1 there should be more actions than standing around saying lines.

  3. Safa M.

    I could improve by changing my tone on when I’m scared on when he sais “Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door” and when I say it again I could say it more like I’m scared. I can also improve by looking scared not happy and joyful because I didn’t look scared when I was acting it.

  4. Joel G.

    The people in stanza 1 could have had a little more expression
    In stanza 2 the angle act could have been a little better but overall it was a good act.

  5. Muhammed A.

    I would improve more actions and the volume for stanza 3.
    I liked the actions.

  6. Safiyah P.

    I would improve the intonation and the use of different voice tones.

  7. Lawy A.

    I could improve my lines because I had a paper to remember it .
    I liked my actions .

  8. Lillie S.

    I would improve the emotions

  9. Luxor A.

    I could improve by adding more expression into my words.

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