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5 Blue- PSHE- Highlights of Year 5

In PSHE this afternoon, the children reflected on their year. They thought about their achievements and have created a page about the yearโ€™s highlights.

How have you made progress this year?

What are your achievements this year?

11 responses to “5 Blue- PSHE- Highlights of Year 5”

  1. Tahiyan C.

    I will never forget the experiences we have been throught

  2. Jasmine M.

    How have you made progress this year?
    Jasmine: I learnt how to build a theatre structure and I learnt the features of the theatre.
    Amanah: I learnt about the victorians and how they behaved.
    What are your achievements this year?
    Jasmine: I can swim 3 lengths now
    Amanah: I can now understand direction in Spanish
    By Jasmine And Amanah!

  3. Naimol A.

    This year I made new progress about trip Victorian day 1960s day

  4. Zakariya K.

    I have made progress in my swimming, handwriting and computing.
    The things I have achieved are swimming 1 full length of a pool and playing cricket.

  5. Lillie S.

    How have you made progress this year?
    I made progress by improving my handwriting

    What are your achievements this year?
    I have achieved GD in science and PSHE in my report

  6. Azaan H.

    How have you made progress this year?
    I made progress because learnt harder subjects.
    What are your achievements this year?
    I achieved
    *swimming 2 lengths
    *and other subjects

  7. Safa M.

    I have made progress by getting very good at my swimming and learned a lot of maths and stuff about different English lessons.
    I will achieve this year by listening more and smiling more to the teachers.

  8. Muhammed A.

    How have you made progress this year?
    I have made progress by learning what imperial units and metric units are.
    What are your achievements this year?
    My achievement are improving my writing and writing a full information text.

  9. Safiyah P.

    I have made progress this year because I now know how to stitch a toy out of different types of fabric and design a moving Victorian toy.
    I have also made progress because I have understood forces and their impact.

    My achievements is that I can swim 2 lengths in the swimming pools, without putting my foot on the floor.

  10. Aisha R.

    I have made progress by being more confident with my speaking skills.
    My achievements are that I have created a theatre structure and I have been a school councillor and junior librarian

  11. Lawy A.

    I made progress by being able to write a story.

    I have achieved how to answer challenges and explain.

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